My first 3 days Down Under
Fri 14 July
well. can't believe i'm finally here! time flies man...sigh. at the airport i thought i wouldn't cry. coz we were sitting happily at starbucks. Thanks for coming to send me off guys! Wille, Yingming, Lulu, Pearlyn, Zhongwen, Gim Yong, Hansel, Dexter, Jess, Lan, Theody and bf, my family and of coz CLEMENT. haha. i only started crying coz val cried first. sigh. heartache.

The plane journey was HORRENDOUS. Firstly, i was sandwiched in between 2 big n fat guys. Secondly, i had no water. Thirdly, my eyeballs felt like they were gonna get washed out in my river of tears, my head was hurting and i was sad. Thank you YM for ur 1.5 packets of tissue. I used 3 out of 6.5 packets of tissue in my bag. Well prepared. Fourthly, I only slept about 2 hrs on the plane. Help.
Anyway I was feeling dumb and blur after crying. And my visual range was halved as my puffed up eye lids were blocking my view. anyway, there were so many empty belts but the luggages from 3 flights had to come out on the same belt! It was really difficult spotting my luggage and even more difficult lugging that 27 kilos off the belt. Thank God for helpful guys. Oh yes. i declared my food stuff. Darn some guy came around and took my po chai pills. I shouldn't have taken it outta my bag! argh. I shall have to brace myself for food poisoning and stomache.
Got to my apartment. It's in some weirdo alley. Good thing Joey and Ling Zhi came to meet me. Joey watched my bags while LZ accompanied me to pick up my keys. I like my apartment. It's not as small as how some ppl would have me believe. haha. it's only 6 mths old and it's really nicely furnished.
I followed Joey and LZ to the uni campus and settled some stuff and walked around abit, before heading the Melbourne Central to get some groceries. Most important - bed sheets so i could rush home and sleep. Slept like 5 hours in the last 2 nights combined. i was so tired and jet lagged my shoulders were aching from carry an empty bag. hahaha. we bought some groceries and my bed sheets and got home and slept until night, nevermind the growling stomach.
had cereal and a slice of bread for dinner and then watched Full House. Damn, i dunno if i should thank you or scold you, Jie, for uploading Full House. It's good coz i've got nth to do, but i watched 4 episodes until 4am!!
Sat 15 July
I've pretty much got 5 hours of daylight a day coz i woke up at noon! nth much, walked down to queen victoria market IN THE RAIN to grab some groceries. Btw, I wish to highlight my superior navigation skills by proclaiming that i walked to Queen Vic Mart without such as a mere glance at a map. hahaha. It's quite cool. There's a one storey place which sells meat and seafood. The stalls all have glass covered display fridges in front of them. So no primitive tables covered in crushed ice and fishes buried inside. Anyway, I tried calling home to check if the meat had to be put in the freezer coz mine is the size of the ice tray. haha. Anyway I just asked the butcher. The meat steaks and salmons looked delicious. I wanted to get them but figured i shouldn't be so ambitious. For starters, I got sausages and ham. Then i got some veg. Oh yes, i'm an idiot. I asked the guy where the potatoes were when i was just standing in front of them. and i asked if they were already skinned coz they're yellow. But apparently, they're some thin skinned yellow potatoes which taste like normal potatoes which i found out later.
I dun even have oil and all so i can't cook anyway. I watched 7 episodes of Full House! OMG, i'm turning into a freak. Anyways, dinner was sandwich. Dun you look down on my sandwich. It's about 6cm tall coz it has lettuce, ham and pineapple. ooh yummy. Yup, oh yes, i shouldnt have decided to eat a sausage. It was a Cheese Pork Kranause (however it's spelt and pronounced). They didnt look cooked so i chucked it into the microwave and pressed "Chicken Pcs." It was the only meat button anyway. oh and it was automatically set to 10mins. but dun u think im an idiot. I know it isnt supposed to be so long. Anyway, after just 2 mins the skin burst. So i cut it up and put it back. Unfortch, it was looking dried up so i just took it out to eat. tasted horrible. I reckon Cheese Pork Kranause just aren't my thing.
Oh ya, halfway through my show, there was this loud ringing sound. for a moment i thought it was the smoke alarm. then i sprang outta bed thinking "someone's at the door!" how come i never realised i had a door bell...then i noticed the sound was coming from the wall. oh haha. there's a telephone on the wall. Joey and LZ called to get my Aust hp no. heh. i'm damn BLUR!
Sunday, 16/7
AGAIN! I woke up at noon. Hate it. Half the day's already gone. Anyway I was in a pretty good mood so i went to take a walk around town. Man...this place has ALOT of people from different countries. Went to Safeway and Big W to pick up some stuff. Walked about a hundred rounds coz i didn't know where everything was. I stubornly insisted on buying everything i needed, which was available there. And i almost couldnt make it home. Had to stop every 500m to give my hands a break. Before you think all that years of training has gone to waste, it is NOT my arm muscles but my HANDS which were getting cut by the plastic bags. Oh yes and i walked the wrong way back and had to make a detour. And how awefully embarassing. One of my plastic bags broke near my apartment and my canned food rolled onto the pavement. My eyeballs spun 360 degrees before darting left and right - ok just one fella standing at the side- I sprang onto the pavement to retrieve those stupid cans trying to run away. in the most unglamorous fashion, i stuffed everything into another bag, hugged them and scurried back to my apartment.
Got my room nice and organised then I went out for a 30min run! It felt really refreshing! oh yes, i'd love to run more but i've got phlegm clogged throat and mucus clogged nose. Just not used to the weather yet. Anyway I ran towards north melbourne, until the royal children's hospital. What better way to familiarise oneself with a new environment than to take a jog! i also ran around the Bali Memorial which is just across the road from my apartment. Ahh...the joys of running.
Had dinner with Joey, LZ and her cousin at Lygon street, aka "Little Italy". I had pizza at Papa Gino's. We walked into a bookstore and I saw "The Gaytimes" hahaha no offense. Just interesting. Then there was "Homosexuals" and some magazine for lesbians. hmmhmm...
headed to Safeway and bought MORE GROCERIES. Now my place feels more like a home. With the shelves filled. haha. ya i fried an egg this afternoon. Had an egg, lettuce and sausage sandwich for lunch. Normal pork sausage. yep, they walked me home coz it's too dangerous. That alley scares me man. I'm not going out after 5 unless someone walks me out and back. Clement was saying I should hold a torchlight in one hand and a baseball bat in the other. the metal kind. haha.
Pictures of my room

The bed and study area. Kinda messy FOR NOW.

The kitchen. Bathroom's on the right.

The bathroom, pictured in the mirror.
well. can't believe i'm finally here! time flies man...sigh. at the airport i thought i wouldn't cry. coz we were sitting happily at starbucks. Thanks for coming to send me off guys! Wille, Yingming, Lulu, Pearlyn, Zhongwen, Gim Yong, Hansel, Dexter, Jess, Lan, Theody and bf, my family and of coz CLEMENT. haha. i only started crying coz val cried first. sigh. heartache.

The plane journey was HORRENDOUS. Firstly, i was sandwiched in between 2 big n fat guys. Secondly, i had no water. Thirdly, my eyeballs felt like they were gonna get washed out in my river of tears, my head was hurting and i was sad. Thank you YM for ur 1.5 packets of tissue. I used 3 out of 6.5 packets of tissue in my bag. Well prepared. Fourthly, I only slept about 2 hrs on the plane. Help.
Anyway I was feeling dumb and blur after crying. And my visual range was halved as my puffed up eye lids were blocking my view. anyway, there were so many empty belts but the luggages from 3 flights had to come out on the same belt! It was really difficult spotting my luggage and even more difficult lugging that 27 kilos off the belt. Thank God for helpful guys. Oh yes. i declared my food stuff. Darn some guy came around and took my po chai pills. I shouldn't have taken it outta my bag! argh. I shall have to brace myself for food poisoning and stomache.
Got to my apartment. It's in some weirdo alley. Good thing Joey and Ling Zhi came to meet me. Joey watched my bags while LZ accompanied me to pick up my keys. I like my apartment. It's not as small as how some ppl would have me believe. haha. it's only 6 mths old and it's really nicely furnished.
I followed Joey and LZ to the uni campus and settled some stuff and walked around abit, before heading the Melbourne Central to get some groceries. Most important - bed sheets so i could rush home and sleep. Slept like 5 hours in the last 2 nights combined. i was so tired and jet lagged my shoulders were aching from carry an empty bag. hahaha. we bought some groceries and my bed sheets and got home and slept until night, nevermind the growling stomach.
had cereal and a slice of bread for dinner and then watched Full House. Damn, i dunno if i should thank you or scold you, Jie, for uploading Full House. It's good coz i've got nth to do, but i watched 4 episodes until 4am!!
Sat 15 July
I've pretty much got 5 hours of daylight a day coz i woke up at noon! nth much, walked down to queen victoria market IN THE RAIN to grab some groceries. Btw, I wish to highlight my superior navigation skills by proclaiming that i walked to Queen Vic Mart without such as a mere glance at a map. hahaha. It's quite cool. There's a one storey place which sells meat and seafood. The stalls all have glass covered display fridges in front of them. So no primitive tables covered in crushed ice and fishes buried inside. Anyway, I tried calling home to check if the meat had to be put in the freezer coz mine is the size of the ice tray. haha. Anyway I just asked the butcher. The meat steaks and salmons looked delicious. I wanted to get them but figured i shouldn't be so ambitious. For starters, I got sausages and ham. Then i got some veg. Oh yes, i'm an idiot. I asked the guy where the potatoes were when i was just standing in front of them. and i asked if they were already skinned coz they're yellow. But apparently, they're some thin skinned yellow potatoes which taste like normal potatoes which i found out later.
I dun even have oil and all so i can't cook anyway. I watched 7 episodes of Full House! OMG, i'm turning into a freak. Anyways, dinner was sandwich. Dun you look down on my sandwich. It's about 6cm tall coz it has lettuce, ham and pineapple. ooh yummy. Yup, oh yes, i shouldnt have decided to eat a sausage. It was a Cheese Pork Kranause (however it's spelt and pronounced). They didnt look cooked so i chucked it into the microwave and pressed "Chicken Pcs." It was the only meat button anyway. oh and it was automatically set to 10mins. but dun u think im an idiot. I know it isnt supposed to be so long. Anyway, after just 2 mins the skin burst. So i cut it up and put it back. Unfortch, it was looking dried up so i just took it out to eat. tasted horrible. I reckon Cheese Pork Kranause just aren't my thing.
Oh ya, halfway through my show, there was this loud ringing sound. for a moment i thought it was the smoke alarm. then i sprang outta bed thinking "someone's at the door!" how come i never realised i had a door bell...then i noticed the sound was coming from the wall. oh haha. there's a telephone on the wall. Joey and LZ called to get my Aust hp no. heh. i'm damn BLUR!
Sunday, 16/7
AGAIN! I woke up at noon. Hate it. Half the day's already gone. Anyway I was in a pretty good mood so i went to take a walk around town. Man...this place has ALOT of people from different countries. Went to Safeway and Big W to pick up some stuff. Walked about a hundred rounds coz i didn't know where everything was. I stubornly insisted on buying everything i needed, which was available there. And i almost couldnt make it home. Had to stop every 500m to give my hands a break. Before you think all that years of training has gone to waste, it is NOT my arm muscles but my HANDS which were getting cut by the plastic bags. Oh yes and i walked the wrong way back and had to make a detour. And how awefully embarassing. One of my plastic bags broke near my apartment and my canned food rolled onto the pavement. My eyeballs spun 360 degrees before darting left and right - ok just one fella standing at the side- I sprang onto the pavement to retrieve those stupid cans trying to run away. in the most unglamorous fashion, i stuffed everything into another bag, hugged them and scurried back to my apartment.
Got my room nice and organised then I went out for a 30min run! It felt really refreshing! oh yes, i'd love to run more but i've got phlegm clogged throat and mucus clogged nose. Just not used to the weather yet. Anyway I ran towards north melbourne, until the royal children's hospital. What better way to familiarise oneself with a new environment than to take a jog! i also ran around the Bali Memorial which is just across the road from my apartment. Ahh...the joys of running.
Had dinner with Joey, LZ and her cousin at Lygon street, aka "Little Italy". I had pizza at Papa Gino's. We walked into a bookstore and I saw "The Gaytimes" hahaha no offense. Just interesting. Then there was "Homosexuals" and some magazine for lesbians. hmmhmm...
headed to Safeway and bought MORE GROCERIES. Now my place feels more like a home. With the shelves filled. haha. ya i fried an egg this afternoon. Had an egg, lettuce and sausage sandwich for lunch. Normal pork sausage. yep, they walked me home coz it's too dangerous. That alley scares me man. I'm not going out after 5 unless someone walks me out and back. Clement was saying I should hold a torchlight in one hand and a baseball bat in the other. the metal kind. haha.
Pictures of my room

The bed and study area. Kinda messy FOR NOW.

The kitchen. Bathroom's on the right.

The bathroom, pictured in the mirror.
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