I'm at Changi airport waiting to board my flight. Leaving is almost like second nature now, I hardly think much of it, suddenly I'm here at the airport, just like going to take a train to the mall or something. Suddenly I've left the States, and I'm in Europe, then before I know it I'm in Singapore. Technically, I've already left even though I'm still in Singapore. Everytime I'm here I feel like I'm in a vacuum, trying to envision what it's like in many hours, when I step off the plane in a different place. But these days, it doesn't mattter where I am, I could be anywhere.
Anyway, I had a great 2 plus weeks back home. Didn't get to meet up with everyone I'd wanted to, but loads of time with the family, which is always awesome!
I did Lasik the moment I came back to S'pore, and that is the most awesome thing ever! No more inconveneient wearing and removing of contacts, no more hassle of brining contacts, solution and all that. Perfect eyesight, no discomfort at all. I love this feeling. Sometimes I feel like I've begun looking at life through different lenses--it's been a great 6 months, and I'll write about it more in my next posts.
Our steamboat dinner at home on the last day of CNY

The perfect valentine's day! Vday is supposed to be a celebration of love and to spend time with your loved ones, so what better way than another of our super fun dinners at home?! Yay, love it! No nervous anticipation, stupid expectations and disappointments.
Bae and I making the famous Magnolia Bakery Red Velvet Cupcakes! I ate loads of this in New York. Red, delicious and sinful...just what we need on vday! haha.
The red batter--2 full bottles of food dye!

Tremendous success! They look so cute and biteable!
Rong chipped in to help put the frosting. We decided not to make our own vanilla frosting but buy the Pillsbury one from the supermarket. Bt alas! They ran out of vanilla so we made do with chocolate frosting.
Not too bad, Rong!
We made a MILLION cupcakes! we tried to squeeze them all into 3 batches and look what happened...

Due to the rotating glass bottom and the oversized baking tray, the 4 poor quarduplets in paper cups were
SQUASHED WEIRDLY!!! hahaha when we opened and saw that we laughed till we almost died! haha and I kept making funny jokes about how we should go take these mutants to Janice and say: "Hi Janice, look what we made! Red velvet cupcakes! What do you think? Can we sell it at your dessert bar? NO?! But why?? We wpent 3 hours making it!" hahaha. hilarious.
Red velvet cupcakes with chocolate frosting and little red heart decorations! too pretty to eat.
The weirdo quarduplets! From left: meet the CUCUMBER, MONESTER, GHOST and POLKA-DOTTED EGGPLANT! hahaha.
Ooooh, more cupcakes with icing sugar, and a special limited edition one with moons and stars. hehe.
Ern busy at work on the decorations for our Mexican themed dinner. She's working on a cactus, if you can't tell...

Bern decorating our little Mexican hats
Rong the SAMURAI chef volunteered to chop stuff. Bae supervising.

Me teaching Rong how to cube tomatoes.

The Samurai chef with his chopped up ingredients. So cocky...

Making our own guacamole dip!

Tadah! Delicious!!!
For some reason Bae was super enthusiastic about blowing balloons. And that was infectious, coz after that Mum caught the bug and was pumping balloons incessantly. hahaha. She even accidentally pumped the nozzle into one balloon!

Bae and Rong fussing over a pack of old balloons which kept bursting. hahaha

Mum setting the tables and washed up most of the things
Anyway here are the final products:
I am embarrassed. What is this!?!? It meant to say "welcome to Mexico" in Chinese. But apparently no one knew how to write it...as you can tell, Mandarin is not our forte...
And what is this!? Don't know what language...I regret to say we might not be big on languages...
only?! let's go!

I love our crazy elaborate dinners, they're a family affair! the preparation is as fun as the dinner itself!
Getting ready
Me cooking the chicken with Taco seasoning
there's a photo of Dad fussing over the handwritten Lassi recipe from New Year's dinner. Haha this time it's strawberry lassi! No thanks to the airport computers, the picture was accidentally deleted. ARGHHH
Putting on the Mexican hats

Ooo, our little Mexican hats Ern made.

Dad with his. They kinda look like Jewish caps...

The fianl product! Nacho chips with homemade guacamole dip, salsa and sour cream. Taco chicken, letttuce, tomatoes, Jack cheese, onions for the Taco shells (not out yet)

Bern showing off her Taco

I was so tired from preparing dinner since arvo, that I totally fell asleep after dinner! And missed my date with Yimin at Walas. Haha, I'm so sorry! But I did watch a DVD--Get Smart with the family when I woke up an hour later. haha. fun times =)
Ok gtg, I'm about to miss my flight! Will update more when I get to Melbourne! Take care everyone =)