I ran it in 69mins and Clem 65min. Well and we found out that the top man ran it in 44min and woman 49min. Out of this world. And i must add, the course was tough. It was v hilly esp up Bolte Bridge.
It's been great weather these few days. About 20deg, bright and sunny. Makes me feel happy. Anyway on Good Friday, everything was closed cept the cinema so we caught 2 movies--Priceless and The Host. Great shows. We decided the movies shown at Cinema Nova on Lygon are all good movies. They don't show the mainstream Hollywood blockbusters, so no 300 and no Mr Bean's Holiday.
Anyway we've got a new hangout--Lincon Square Park, just outside my place. We sit there and watch those skateboarders practice. It was abt 5 young kids about 10, 11 years old?! They were pathetic! Trying to act grown up and gangster. They were squabbling over who gets to smoke the last 4 cigarettes, who paid for them blah blah. I was quite tempted to go over and splash water on his last 4 cigarettes. haha! Clem said we shd go buy alcohol and tell them that's what they need to top off the look. But make them do stupid skateboard stunts to earn the booze, and we can sit back and watch them dizzily fall off their skateboards.
There's a playground there too. Clem playing dead:
Attempt 2: how can a dead person's dead be looking straight and legs raised at that angle?! Attempt 1 was ridiculous! His head looking up! I was laughing too hard to photograph it.
Attempt 3: Very funny, if u're dead ur legs wont be standing up.
Attempt 4: that's more like it. I won't show you my one and only attempt.
Saturday morning we went for a ride down to Beach Road. Stopped by Black Rock to check ot jerseys. Clem suggested buying a team jersey. haha.
This one's really cool. Black and white, with a fierce red faces and flowers. But alas! The cut's not fitting.
This one's a Belgium team, Duvel. Really nice and one of the few which were small enough to fit me! We were very tempted to get this one but it's 129bucks each!
Today after lunch we sat at the park eating cheesecake and amused ourselves watching a bunch of skateboarders. There was this one young boy, maybe 12years old who was throwing tantrums and screaming and flinging his board around. Unlike Friday's bunch of kiddos, he obviuosly had anger management issues. He was trying to do this sequence but kept falling and failing. His "assistant" was following him with a video cam filming his sequence. It's funny how his poor assistant kept having to re-take the shots without losing patience. But this 12year old was screaming, throwing his board, stamping on it and smacking the board around. Crazy. If i was his videocam assistant, I would smack his head and pull off all his golden curly locks.
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