Monday 26 March in Mooloolaba!
Damn the wind was strong. Anyway we were lying face down on the bodyboards and trying to ride the waves. The waves were damn big man. It's actually quite scary, coz if u dun ride the crest of the wave, and u crash with it, it throws you really hard down onto the sand. Yea once I got thrown by the waves and I crashed onto the sand and the bodyboard hit my head (u strap the string attached to the board onto ur arm). N before I could get back up another big wave threw me onto the sand. Scary.
Anyway the winds we so strong it was hard to walk and to carry the boards. Clem was trying to do a Baywatch style run on the beach with the board under one arm. Then the wind blew the board off and he was struggling to catch the board with was flying ard like a kite. haha, it's hilarious.
Anyway, one hour of fighting the waves and wind was enough. Darn cold. Can't even sit on the shallow sea n enjoy the water coz the waves are either crashing onto you or dragging you into the water when it washes back.
We had lunch of fish n chips by the beach. Trying to hold onto the fries lest they get blown away by the wind!
So we decided to enjoy the sea in another way--the Underwater World! haha. Here's a picture of the Wharf. Underwater World's next to it.
clem holding a Sea Star (the new name for starfish).
That's me holding up a tropical sea cucumber. It's super squishy and soft! When I put it down it was in a squashed up shape like when u squeeze a piece of plastersine.
Yea i picked up a big sea star.
Close up of the sea cucumber. Btw, u see those orange branch like things (with white stuff at the ends)? they're actually "fingers". They trap food for the sea cucumber and then the cucumber sticks its "fingers" into its mouth (the hole in the middle) one by one, in turn. So the moment it takes out one finger, another finger will move towards the hole and the white stuff on that finger will go all the way inside its mouth. Greedy cucumber cant stop eating.
When it's provoked like when i touched the white stuff, it retracted all its fingers (like a snail going back into its shell), so u only see a small hole at the top. EEEEEEEEEEKS gross i hate it.
Yup, Clem with his dream car--filled with water, plants n fish.
This is a mermaid's purse. there is a baby shark growing inside. Cool eh?
Sea dragon. Looks like from the cartoons.
Seahorse. they straighten and curve their bodies funnily.
a frozen 7m long squid caught off the New Zealand waters. It's a "Monster of the Sea". The largest monster squid to be found. the eye is about 3/4 the size of my face.
Dun ask me what mutant this is. Iguana-tadpole-salamader-alien.
Otters. They're licking each other's necks.
OOOOoooo check out those mean looking teeth!
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