Jells Park XC & DFO shopping!
Jells Park 6km XC relay race--19 April
MUAC had a fantastic turnout at the first Athletics Victoria Winter Series race last weekend! It was a 6km XC relay. We drove up in several cars. It was a beautiful warm day.

Sitting around before the start of the race.
Other club's tents
Dave Paroissien and me.
one of our men's teams--Ray, Kieran, Matt and Simon (not in photo)
I was the first runner in a women's Division 3 team with Jas and Claire. I was feeling kinda tired but had a solid run and clocked 26.11, 2min 10s faster than last year!! Woohoo...haha.
Change-over Jas to Claire
Jas and me.
Our French sensation, Fred.
Our Winter Season manager, D1
Coach Tony Brain!
Overall the club ran exceedingly well! It was fantastic. Many of these photos were taken by me on Ray's cam.
Oh oh! Craig Mottram, the top long distance runner in Australia ran for Geelong. He actually competes in just an AV race?!! Amazing! He ran the 6km XC course in a "cruisy" 16.36!! WTH! Anyway, he looked young and handsome...haha. The crowd were super excited when people realised he was there! Whenever he was about to run past a section of the course, the entire crowd will swamp from their tents/picnics to line the course, try to run alongside him, snap some photos to brag that "i ran/raced with Craig Mottram!" haha.
Fabulous running.
Jas and I in this uber cool shot taken by Ray. That's Mottram running past in the background.
The scrumptious post-race picnic!
Me devouring a muffin.
Fred made this ham and cheese puff thingy which was delicious.
Tom and his famous bakings--it's brownies today!

Craig Mottran (left) being interviewed with his fellow Geelong club runner and Aust Olympic marathoner Lee Troop, post prize presentation. Geelong won. DUH.
Just as the sun was setting we drove back to the city. I was in Ray's car with Kieran, Sophie and Jas. Dropped the rest off at uni then had dinner and dessert with Ray in the city =)
DFO Shopping--25 April
It's ANZAC day - kinda like Aussie's national day. They have a parade where war veterans march along the yarra, and the traditional Essendon vs. Collingwood footy match. I watched neither. Instead, I went DFO Essendon with Ray to shop. haha. while snacking on gummy snakes. Yummy purple and pink snakes for me and yucky yellow and orange ones for Ray.
the highlight certainly had to be the 2XU shop!!! Loads of mega cool 2XU gear at less than half price!! I tried on half the shop. haha. wanted to get this 2XU bike tights and fleece jacket but alas...they were too big =(
highlight #2 was the shop which carried Abercrombie and Fitch!!! Awesome! I bought a light blue A&F hoodie. so cool and so cheap...
highlight #3 was this suede ankle boots we saw...i tried it on and it was really nice BUT...i'd spent too much money at 2XU i had to give the boots a miss. haha.
highlight #4 was the turquois tube dress I bought for the MUAC formal dinner. I was kinda deciding between a fuschia layered dress and this one, but i ended up with this one. It's kinda plain, so I've consulted my 2 fashion & beauty advisors, Val and Jie as to what accessories/make up to go with this dress...what'd i do without yous (plural for you).

My shopping! 2 sets of 2XU running tee and shorts, a white long sleeved 2XU running top, compression calf socks, polka dot flats, plain black long sleeved top, A&F hoodie, dress, black stockings and celebrity shades.
I LOVE this A&F hoodie!!
Haha Ray and I bummed around before heading to Lygon for some lasagna and apple pie! then the supermarket for more brain juice and yoghurt clusters--even more delicious than apricot yoghurt balls. haha. without which it wld be virtually impossible to support our high level of brain activity--watching thought-provoking films and engaging in mentally-stimulating-highly-intellectual conversations.
Speaking of thought provoking films, Iylia and Ray have been telling me about the many many awesome and classic movies I have to watch...and very relevant to my media studies as well.
Yesterday I watched Pulp Fiction on DVD. The story is told in sections not chronologically ordered. So it's pretty disjointed until the end, when the beginning is told and the pieces fit together. It was quite a disturbing and violent show...but great use of cinematographic effects and idiotic conversations. Somehow I felt the portrayal of women in the show was quite unfair. the 3 main female characters in the show had bad haircuts, and weird personalities and mannerisms. In contrast to the violent, powerful male characters with inflated egos.
The show was disturbing for its normalisation of violence, drug use and other social taboos. I recommend the show but sorry kids, it's M18+ in Aussie so possibly R21 in S'pore.
Next movie on my stack of DVDs Ray lent me is Fight Club. In one of my modules, Sports, Entertainment and the Media, we discuss about boxing and violence in sport extensively. And this morning Ray was just telling me about his Muay Thai spars. What's the lure of physical violence? To quote Esmeralda (talking to Butch, a boxer who just killed his opponent) in Pulp Fiction: "So what does it feel like to kill a man with your bare hands? It's a topic I'm very interested in."
MUAC had a fantastic turnout at the first Athletics Victoria Winter Series race last weekend! It was a 6km XC relay. We drove up in several cars. It was a beautiful warm day.
I was the first runner in a women's Division 3 team with Jas and Claire. I was feeling kinda tired but had a solid run and clocked 26.11, 2min 10s faster than last year!! Woohoo...haha.
Overall the club ran exceedingly well! It was fantastic. Many of these photos were taken by me on Ray's cam.
Oh oh! Craig Mottram, the top long distance runner in Australia ran for Geelong. He actually competes in just an AV race?!! Amazing! He ran the 6km XC course in a "cruisy" 16.36!! WTH! Anyway, he looked young and handsome...haha. The crowd were super excited when people realised he was there! Whenever he was about to run past a section of the course, the entire crowd will swamp from their tents/picnics to line the course, try to run alongside him, snap some photos to brag that "i ran/raced with Craig Mottram!" haha.
The scrumptious post-race picnic!
Just as the sun was setting we drove back to the city. I was in Ray's car with Kieran, Sophie and Jas. Dropped the rest off at uni then had dinner and dessert with Ray in the city =)
DFO Shopping--25 April
It's ANZAC day - kinda like Aussie's national day. They have a parade where war veterans march along the yarra, and the traditional Essendon vs. Collingwood footy match. I watched neither. Instead, I went DFO Essendon with Ray to shop. haha. while snacking on gummy snakes. Yummy purple and pink snakes for me and yucky yellow and orange ones for Ray.
the highlight certainly had to be the 2XU shop!!! Loads of mega cool 2XU gear at less than half price!! I tried on half the shop. haha. wanted to get this 2XU bike tights and fleece jacket but alas...they were too big =(
highlight #2 was the shop which carried Abercrombie and Fitch!!! Awesome! I bought a light blue A&F hoodie. so cool and so cheap...
highlight #3 was this suede ankle boots we saw...i tried it on and it was really nice BUT...i'd spent too much money at 2XU i had to give the boots a miss. haha.
highlight #4 was the turquois tube dress I bought for the MUAC formal dinner. I was kinda deciding between a fuschia layered dress and this one, but i ended up with this one. It's kinda plain, so I've consulted my 2 fashion & beauty advisors, Val and Jie as to what accessories/make up to go with this dress...what'd i do without yous (plural for you).
Haha Ray and I bummed around before heading to Lygon for some lasagna and apple pie! then the supermarket for more brain juice and yoghurt clusters--even more delicious than apricot yoghurt balls. haha. without which it wld be virtually impossible to support our high level of brain activity--watching thought-provoking films and engaging in mentally-stimulating-highly-intellectual conversations.
Speaking of thought provoking films, Iylia and Ray have been telling me about the many many awesome and classic movies I have to watch...and very relevant to my media studies as well.
Yesterday I watched Pulp Fiction on DVD. The story is told in sections not chronologically ordered. So it's pretty disjointed until the end, when the beginning is told and the pieces fit together. It was quite a disturbing and violent show...but great use of cinematographic effects and idiotic conversations. Somehow I felt the portrayal of women in the show was quite unfair. the 3 main female characters in the show had bad haircuts, and weird personalities and mannerisms. In contrast to the violent, powerful male characters with inflated egos.
The show was disturbing for its normalisation of violence, drug use and other social taboos. I recommend the show but sorry kids, it's M18+ in Aussie so possibly R21 in S'pore.
Next movie on my stack of DVDs Ray lent me is Fight Club. In one of my modules, Sports, Entertainment and the Media, we discuss about boxing and violence in sport extensively. And this morning Ray was just telling me about his Muay Thai spars. What's the lure of physical violence? To quote Esmeralda (talking to Butch, a boxer who just killed his opponent) in Pulp Fiction: "So what does it feel like to kill a man with your bare hands? It's a topic I'm very interested in."
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