SUNDAY 29 July 2007So OSIM triathlon was finally over, time for some relaxing and unwinding!!!
Had lunch with my family at Spageddies (YUM!!!) and some dessert afterwards. Then went to town to meet my Clem to watch The Simpsons Movie then off to the post race dinner. It was alright, the entertainment was erm....*ahem*
We took a short walk by the river after that, just like last year. Here's a shot of us sitting on a bench rummaging through our lucky draw goodie bags n my 3rd place goodie bag.
MONDAY 30 July 2007
I had lunch with Clem and we spent the arvo looking thru his proj. Quite interesting. Anyway, we had STEAMBOAT & HOTPLATE dinner!!!! my favourite!!!! Very delicious with Dad's secret sauce. We were all busy helping out preparing the food and setting the table.
A grand feast. Imperial maid pouring drinks for everyone.
OOOOHHH time for some pigging out. Instead of arranging the food around the plates, Clem happily washed and piled the mushrooms into a heap of mushroom salad! Very funny.
Watched Stomp the Yard on DVD with Clem later.
TUESDAY 31 July 2007
Had lunch with Dad, Mum and Val at Crystal Jade Kitchen. Dim Sum and mango pudding. Fabulous!!! Met Clem and we had dinner at Chomp Chomp. Prawn noodles soup, ice kachang (brown sauce and milk only), egg beancurd with glutinous rice balls.
WEDNESDAY 1 August 2007
I had breakfast with Dad, Mum and Val at Coffee Bean (tis the life man!!). Then Lan picked me up in his huge Merc for lunch at Rochester Park. We ate at a Chinese restaurant called Min Jiang. Ooh, he used the valet parking service even tho the carpark was nearby. hmmm....Anyway, lunch was very delicious, and very nice too =)
Met Clem after that and we did a 40min jog in the evening, followed by dinner at my place.
THURSDAY 2 August 2007
Val and I went out for some shopping. First, i decided i hated wat i was wearing (spag top and a skirt) so we went to far east plaza and I bought a short retro looking dress. very nice n comfy and cooling! then we walked all over orchard, got Val's coffee -no, caffine- fix, bought val's tai tai looking Aldo bag and checked out some poser gym wear for val to pose at Planet Fitness. hahahaha.
Then we went to The Cathay so I can cut my hair at Olsen's shop--MAZU on level 4. He just opened his own salon and it's very nicely decorated, very comfy and very affordable!! So finally I cut it all off. A short bob, shortest hair in what, 6 years. haha.
Oh ya, Val cut her hair short on Monday. Our obsession with short hair. haha.
concave bob.
Don't we just look fabulous?
We had dinner at home, Clem came over to join us after school. We were all going to The Chocolate Factory (aka Laurent Bernard's Chocolatier) for some dessert.
My darling and me.
Val and I acting posh at Double O, with champagn in hand. haha. We went to Zouk and it was closed!!! GOSH are we back dated!!! Times have changed....nono we've moved on. haha anyway it was ladies night at DblO. We are indeed getting old. After 1 hour of dancing, we were so tired we had to slump on the sofas outside. then we went home. at 1.15am!!!! haha. We used to dance until 5am in the morn! haha. And we felt oooold. But it was pretty fun nonetheless, just unwinding a lil.
FRIDAY 3 August 2007
Had lunch with Val at Sixth Ave: Nasi Briyani. Yum. Almost every morn between 10-11plus there will be a knock on my door, Val waking me up/asking me to go for brekky, brunch or lunch. Some good company which I will miss.
Met Clem and we watched Cashback at Plaza Sing. The kinda movie they'll show at Cinema Nova in Lygon Court. We walked around a lil and we ate at Chongjin Hotpot at Suntec City. OOOHHHH i love ma la huo juo. Ate until almost burst. haha.
Clem (looking cute) and hotpot--very good combination =)
We took a stroll by the river near the Esplanade. hmm...nice. Clem came over and helped me pack. Darn I hate having to leave.
SATURDAY 4 August 2007
It's finally here, the day I have to leave. Had brekky with my family (my fav Sat morn breakfast) of kaya toast, eggs and teh bing at Yakun. Reminds me of pri sch days when we'll have breakfast of prata at Tampines central every sat morn.
Then met Clem for lunch. We had turtle soup with yam rice. I love it!!! Turtle soup and Clem--very good combination.
Then we went to walk around town. We tried out the weirdo Jap ice cream thing. Those mini pearls aren't pearls!! They're like iq balls or watever u call it. they burst in ur mouth.

There! Clem with a Bubble Milk Tea flavoured ice cream with mini pearls. Half way eating there was an avalanche! The mini pearls started tumbling down n bouncing all over the floor. hahaha
We all had dinner at the airport. Pasta Fresca de Salvatore. It was good. And Dad, being mad, exclaimed so loundly that their glass food display was disastrous. He then went over to scrutinise the UGLY, WEIRD and RUBBISH displays of RUBBISH inside. hahahahaha.
And here I am back in COLD COLD melb. I miss my family, I miss my Clement. The past 7 weeks have been perfect. I always look fwd to the breakfasts, lunches and dinners i have at home, with Val, Mum, Dad and the rest of my family. Val talking abt her job and the customers (24/7), running with Rong in the evenings (before he returned to being a couch potato), hearing Ern yakk on her hp, eating Fondue with Ern n Bae...It feels very nice.
It's been fabulous with Clem as well, our 5am rides, run intervals at Bishan Park, dinners, lunches, movies =) And how he imitates everything I do...and making them look 100000 times more retarded. I wish you were here.
I've never felt so contented and glad.