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It's been fabulous back home. I got to see Jie at last!!! After more than a year!!! Wheeee!! YES and we are going to HK this weekend..for my OSIM HK Triathlon race and to shop and eat. haha. Check out Jie's blog for a photo of us taken on her new camera.
I bought a new pair of runners. Adidas Chiba Pro racing flats. It's mighty cool. haha.
Clem and I watched Anger Management on DVD and Ratotoullie at the cinema, love that show it's so cute and funny. haha. So far, I've eaten ban mian from J8, far east chicken rice, zhi char, chilli crab and lobster salad at No Signboard Seafood, Jap food and some sick ppl food.
I fell sick on Sunday!!! Terrible, not sure if it was mild food poisoning or stomach flu. I was out for 2 days, Sun and Mon. Diarrhea on both days and I vomitted on Sunday night. Horrific, my room still kinda smells like...macaroni soup gone sour...
haha but I am feeling great today (Tuesday)! Just did a brick session. Cycled with LH5am group followed by a 20min run. It felt good but I was feeling very hungry! Barely ate the past 2 days. I'm now saving my stomach for turtle soup and yam rice for lunch!!! Sluuurrp..YUMMY!