210km Around the Bay in a Day!

Woke up at 4.45am this morn to eat and prep for the ATB ride. Met Iylia and Jeff and rode down to the start point at Alexander Gardens. We were early, so we spent our time checking out other people's bikes--almost every brand (heard of and unheard of) were seen. There were all types of bikes--steel ones, full carbon roadies, mountain bikes, cross bikes, even 2-man-bikes!
Melb-Queenscliff (115km) was relatively flat with a few significant climbs. Most of the way we tagged onto large packs so it was good. At one point, after a pit-stop in the bushes, we had to catch back to the pack--hard work in the headwind! The first 90 or so km felt easy, but the last 25km was getting tough. It was really warm! 30-35deg! The only thing on my mind was LUNCH!!! and a break.
We were handed our lunch of: 1 chicken sandwich, 1 small piece ofchoc cake, 1 banana, 1 packet of dried fruit and nuts, 1 powerbar, 1 powergel and 1 bottle of powerade.
Queuing for the ferry--in the hot sun, harrassed by flies.
sitting on the top deck of the ferry
The ferry ride was relaxing. we managed to get onto the large ferry, so we had space to sit n stretch. I felt a lil uncomfortable tho, seasick i think (altho it was extremely stable). I was glad for that almost 2 hr break--not sure how i was gonna survive another 100km! hilly and windy too!
But all along the course, there were supporters. Some drove down and stopped at various locations to cheer loved ones and friends on, some took out deck chairs and sat by the roads watching cyclists ride past. Road marshalls gave encouragement, even drivers along the roads shouted encouragement while they drove past!
Once we started at Sorrento, the headwind was friggin strong! I dropped back from a pack to pull Iylia and Jeff, who were tired. Hats off to them for completing the ATB! Iylia hadn't trained for a month coz of Ramadan, and Jeff only picked up cycling this year (with absolutely no sporting background).
We hit a hilly section, with several wicked climbs. For some unknown reason (prob too much sugar), I was high. When Iylia was warning me about an approaching killer climb, he suddenly said "Why are you smiling, Elaine?! Why are you smiling?!" I had a psychotic smile on my face and started attacking those killer hills--with success! Haha, but my legs were burning with lactic, some leftover from yest's run intervals. I felt strong.
But suddenly at Frankston, I was suffering! Headwind was damn strong (whoever told me the winds would change?!), temperatures searing...oh, and I found out that I got shitted on--there was bird shit on my jersey! Stupid birds.
By the time we hit Mordi (30km to go), I had gone crazy. There was no pain in the legs. The only thing on my mind was "home...I wanna go home, I wanna go home NOW!". So I cycled hard despite the discomfort and pain!!!! I ran out of water as well, which sucked.
Towards the end, we were going through small streets, getting caught at the lights...and I got really frustrated--why didn't we take the shortest, most straight forward route back to Alexander Gardens?! ARGH. I crossed the finish line feeling extremely angry--worst shit ever, stupid ATB!
haha, but now, I'm really glad I completed it. It was a real challenge, and good training too, esp with the type of terrain, heat and headwind...The longest ride I'd done b4 ATB was 120km in a day, and I hadnt ridden more than 105km at a go for the past few months, so this was tough!
Slumped on the grass at Alexander Gardens for a long time before finally GETTING BACK ON THE BIKE to ride another 5km home.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's off day and massage!
I'll post more photos when Iylia sends them to me =)
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